Shall We Begin

Have you ever awkwardly walked into a room not knowing what to expect, who’s in the room, what’s taking place, etc. Yea that’s me right now. Here I am coming back, waving awkwardly, hoping my presence is accepted haha! But of course it is, so hey… It’s me again!

Yes, I know I’m way overdue; I must say- life has happened!

Tonight, I just knew I couldn’t go on without writing. It’s been prolonged for a while now, and I must admit I’ve missed filling in the blank pages with my words.

Ah, there’s so much to express – I’ll start with this: (To whom it may concern)
1. Live and love unapologetically from this moment on forward! Okay?! Once we begin to do that, we’ll be content. This life is not meant to lived with regrets.

2. Let go the idea of everything that you thought was supposed be. Realize that God has a perfect plan and His will always triumphs our desires.

3. God is greater than anything. Not just the bad, but even the best days that are had. He’s greater than anything! Seriously… He is! Rejoice, because He is good and His love is ENOUGH!

4. Faith is the only proper response. Just believe.

God my focus is set on the things You have for me. My life is for You to get the glory and that You will- In everything I do and say!

So shall we begin?!

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